
Tips How to Overcome Oily Face Naturally

Oily Skin is one of the causes of various problems face such as blackheads, acne and so on. Thus the problem of oily face could not be if left without taking special care, because like the proverbial, prevention is better than cure.

If the face is oily allowed to continue, so the face will be pile of dirt that comes from  dust particles then stick on face with ease, because  oily and sticky. Well if many dust particles stick to the face and then trapped in the pores face  will be the source of problems such as blackheads or pimples.

How do check face is oily or not? The easy way is trying to dab face especially nose or cheek using fingers and then see the results whether oily or not.  If yes, you should prepare a powerful method to remove the oil on the face.

Tips  How to Overcome Oily Face Naturally

Tips  How to Overcome Oily Face Naturally

1. Warm Water
No need to bother to buy expensive products to tackle your oily face, just to do simple tips yet done regularly to really feel the results, if not done regularly, the results will not be visible. How to?

The trick is to use warm water and wash the face with warm water every face is already oily. And do not forget before bed is also obliged to wash the face with warm water so that the dust particles do not get carried away in the face of sleep that could later lead to acne.

2. Egg White
Egg white is one of the materials most widely used as a face mask to overcome problems. So to overcome your oily face, can also make use of eggs as a mask on your face. The way is easy that you only need 1 egg white and then separated from the yolk, the egg white applied on the face and wait until dry.

3. Lime
The third way that you can easily do at home is to use lemon, lime splitting the way enough already prepared then lime that has been split earlier in the apply on oily and do these tips 1 times a day for maximum results. This method is not recommended for your face that have cuts because it can cause stinging.

4. Cucumber
Cucumber is one of the fruits are rich in benefits for humans and very familiar. Well cucumber can be used as one of the masks, to remove the oil on the face of the way quite easily ie blender few cucumber cucumbers to taste and results blender was applied to the face and wait until dry.

In order not to misunderstand, smash it but not like making cucumber juice which is given water and sugar. Smash cucumber without water or sugar. Cucumber smash the results that have been destroyed before the one who made the mask on the face.

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