You may think that bathing the dog looks very complicated and need extra patience. Yes, you could took him to the salon once a week or two weeks, but occasionally try to bathe the pet dog at home, but can save the cost, you can also establish a closer relationship with the pet. Here's a guide to bathe your dog with an easy and practical.
1. Shave dog's fur
- Shaving the fur on dog feet soles. Fur in this section, grows on long-haired dogs, for short-haired dogs, does not grow. The soles of the feet become slippery when fur already covered the entire sole. Shaving fur on the soles of the feet, should be done routinely when the dog will be bathed.
- Just like fur around the feet, the parts around the anus of long-haired dogs also have to cut, in ordert to so that dirt does not get caught in the fur, especially when the dog is suffering from diarrhea. Dirt stuck in the fur causes unpleasant odor.
- Cutting just around the rectum just so it looks neat and hygienic. then comb dog hair beforehand so that no hair still matted when washed with water.
2. Cleaning the ears
- Use cotton and 70% alcohol or special cleaning fluid ears are widely available in pet shops.
- Take a piece of cotton cosmetic and flops by using tweezers. After that, roll the tweezers with cotton swab. The amount of rolls adapted to the size of the dog's ear holes. Exaggerating the cotton tip of the tip tweezers tweezers in order not to injure the dog's ears.
- Wet cotton swab with 70% alcohol. Do not get too wet so that the alcohol does not enter into the eardrum. To ensure that cotton should be squeezed first so the rest of alcohol could be wasted.
- Clean the ear by rotating tweezers on the dirty part.
3. Close the ears
- In order to avoid the ear hole of ingress of water, so we need to clog the ear canal using cotton.
- Take cotton taste, and make like a ball with a size slightly larger than the hole and insert the ear with a finger.
- Use tweezers to position the cotton deeper and make sure that the cotton will not be released when the dog moves.
- The position of the cotton remains to be seen.
4. Flush with water
- Do not use sprayer because the water pressure coming out of the sprayer is very high so it can hurt the dog when exposed to sensitive body parts such as nose or eyes. Although the ears are closed cotton, the water pressure of the sprayer can still penetrate.
- Use the hose and adjust the water pressure. Start dampen parts of the body so that the dog won't be surprised.
- Then point the hose, toward the head. Slow the flow of water when washing the head.
5. Laundering
- After the whole body wet, pour the shampoo in all parts of the dog's body evenly. Use shampoo that has tearless formula in order to not sore in the eye. If you are having trouble finding tearless shampoo, you can use baby shampoo for rinse head part, while the body remains, use shampoo formulated for dogs bark.
- Rub all parts, until evenly distributed and frothy.
- Use oft brush so that the dirt is easy to clean. you can use shoe polish brush. Scrubbing should be the direction of the head toward the tail.
- Do not forget to clean the rectum with a soft brush because of this section is usually found dried fecal droppings.
6. Rinse
- After the washing is complete, rinse with clean water. Preferably, the process of cleaning with shampoo, performed twice so that fur and skin absolutely free from dirt. Make sure no shampoo left behind because it can make the skin and fur damaged.
- Rinse from head and continued bottom, especially around the chest and stomach.
- Dry the dog with a towel that has a high absorption.
7. Drying
- Dry dog using a special blower for dogs. Do not use a hair dryer that is used by humans because of the heat released by the hair dryer can burn the skin and fur of dogs. If you do not have a special blower you can dry in a natural way is by drying place that is not exposed to the sun and there is air flow.At the time of drying with a blower, consider whether there is a skin disease or infestation.
- After, the dog hair is completely dry, comb using a special comb for dog fur. Consult your pet shop subscription types of combs that are suitable for the type of the dog's fur.
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