
Tips How to Care Leather Jacket

Tips How to Care Leather Jacket - Leather jacket gives the impression look masculine for the wearer, especially men who want to look cool and trendy. But there are some problems that are sometimes annoying and disturbing, often appears on leather jackets, ranging from the emergence of unpleasant odors due to sweat and also a fungus that often arise as a result of incorrect treatment in the care of a leather jacket.

Well, for your leather jacket is always clean from dirt, dust, odors and mold. So here are some tips you can do to keep your favorite leather jacket.

Tips How to Care Leather Jacket

Tips How to Care Leather Jacket

1. Avoid rainwater
Even though genuine leather jacket, resistant to water, but still it will be penetrated rainwater, when poured profusely. In addition to making becomes tangled, rain effects usually also brings with it other problems for your jacket, which began the appearance of mold on the inside jacket, the color quickly faded, until the bad smells. Therefore, you should avoid leather jacket from rain water in order to remain durable.

2. Avoid washing use soap
For those of you who just got a leather jacket for the first time, the first thing you need to know is do not ever ish it with soap detergent or ishing machine. Although soap can be used to clean the dirt on the clothes, but do not ever you use to clean your jacket because it actually looks more tangled and cause unpleasant aroma. Moreover, if the drying process is not optimal, both of these is a sure thing.
We recommend using a special lotion for leather jacket or as an alternative to baby oil. Besides good for the leather jacket, the liquid can also remove the unpleasant smell that often arise as a result of perspiration on the skin jacket.

3. Do not fold
After use, do not ever fold it. Use a tissue or cotton swab to clean the dust attached. After quite clean, then hanging in a cool place with air circulation open, so the humidity decreases and the fungus does not breed.

4. Use vinegar to overcome the fungus
If the jacket you already visible white patches caused by fungi, try to use a solution of vinegar and water in the ratio 1: 1. Vinegar has acidity / pH so high that the fungus can not live in such conditions. How to use it is to put some of the solution on the jacket and then wipe clean with a soft, dry cloth. Next, hang the jacket, in a cool and windy.

5. Spray the perfume only on the inside of the leather jacket
Especially for men and women who make perfume fragrance enthusiasts as a true friend every day. You can still use the perfume, but you should use only on the inner side only, because it is feared chemical effects can be damaging skin texture jacket when you spray.

6. Jacket faded or scratched ?. Use polish
Often users complained about the leather jacket color fading or scratched when worn. Well, use shoe polish that is adapted to the color of your leather jacket. Apply a little bit, then scrub with a cotton. Guaranteed in this way can make you long shiny leather jacket back. Make sure the polish has dried completely when the jacket is used so that the color does not stick in your other clothes.

Well, that's a few tips that you can try to treat and clean the leather jacket that you have. In order to look more leverage you look again, you can also mixing, matching leather jacket with other accessories such as sunglasses, necklaces, hats and so on to make it look more beautiful again.

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