
Tips How to Make Baby's Brain to be Intelligent

Coddling the baby will make it more intelligent. Research of Professor Darcia Narvaez and his team at the Faculty of Psychology, University of Notre Dame, USA says, with indulgent baby properly, the potential brain development will be better, so the baby grows more intelligent. Identify eight ways to coddle baby makes it more intelligent.

Tips How to Make Baby's Brain to be Intelligent
Tips How to Make Baby's Brain to be Intelligent

Here are Tips How to Make Baby's Brain to be Intelligent

1. Holding.
Habit Holding the baby has many benefits. Among them: Baby feels comfortable, safe, secure, feel loved, close, and others. Don’t  be surprised, when baby cries because of loneliness, fear, shock, and other causes, will soon stop crying when picked up.

 There are many things parents can do while holding a baby, such as communicate, play, introduced new things, see facial expressions, and more. Various activities while in the sling will stimulate various aspects of baby’s intelligence. Also grows more intelligent.

Babies are often picked up usually will know more about their environment. Because, it carried to the kitchen, living room, patio, yard, garden housing, and others. If not often picked up, maybe the baby just staring at ceiling or hanging toys in the crib. By looking at a variety of environments, the insight children will increase.

Babies who are being held, can support the success of exclusive breastfeeding. Besides always contiguous, interwoven proximity of the mother and baby were increased. Similarly, with affection and attention, this will make the harder mother tried to provide the best for her baby, that is exclusively breastfed.

Although the holding has a positive impact, given also the chance to infants increases the ability raised his head, rolling over, his stomach, crawling, sitting, standing, and walking. Perform routine motor stimulation in infants according to age and ability. Parents also have the opportunity to rest while the baby doing these activities.

2. Hug.
In the first month of birth, the baby is still adjusting to his new surroundings. When the baby was still in the womb, warmth and sense of security acquired in the mother's womb is warm and cozy. When born, he craved the warmth and comfort through hugs.

When the parents hugging baby, the baby will feel safe, comfortable, protected. The baby will be happy and enjoy every mother's arms. Therefore, hug becomes the baby's needs, so that when the need came, the baby will issue a sign of a cry or whine.

Parents don’t  have to worry if hugging baby will make it spoiled. Closeness and warmth between parents and baby is important for emotional development. Hugs is one way of showing affection. Physical proximity is also an expression that indicates the proximity of deep emotion. There are experts said, the arms can reduce feelings of anxiety, fear, loneliness, and other negative emotions and influence the child's development and intelligence. This is because when embraced, the child's body secretes hormones oxytocin calming and reduces stress in children.

3. Sleeping together.
There is research  states, sleeping together in one bed can be trusted to build stronger emotional bond between parent and baby. It makes the baby sleep more restful. However, sleeping together is not a must. It can be adapted to the environmental conditions of the home and the parents.

In the first six months of age, the baby are advised to sleep together with the parents. Therefore, this period is exclusive breastfeeding period. With adjacent sleeping, parents can succeed exclusive breastfeeding, as well as to establish a close relationship between mother and baby. Even sleeping with this suggestion is not only for infants under six months old but for infants aged over it, even children.

4. Establish communication.
When a mother holding a baby, look at baby’s eyes. Take conversing with a soft voice and positive words. Tell to the baby about anything around him. For example, sound of what they heard, what objects are visible. Tell your baby what you are doing, for example, when you are cleaning and replacing diaper because she wet the bed and wet. Take the baby talk will help stimulate baby intelligence in the language. As well as a form of parental attention in infants. As much as possible communication is established, the more closely the relationship between parents and children.

5. Give the best facilities.
Fulfill all the baby needs, clothing, food, shelter. The facility should be tailored to the needs or the stage of development of the baby. Clothing include clothing, diapers, socks, gloves, hats, blankets, towels and more. While food needs include breastfeeding, complementary feeding, biscuits, fruit, vegetables, and more. Board associated with the dwelling, including a sleeping area and a variety of objects that are useful for stimulating the baby such as educational toys.

Provide a variety of these facilities according to the development and condition of the baby. For clothing, for example, choose a softer material such as cotton or socks are intended more as a newborn baby's skin is very delicate and sensitive. Customize all baby needs appropriate development.

6. Response cries appropriately.
Crying is a baby's way of talking about what happened to people in the vicinity. Is the baby hungry, thirsty, angry or uncomfortable. To that end, when crying, immediately give a response. Responding to the needs of infants, is tantamount to meet their needs. If, needs are met will grow confidence in parents and their environment.

So that the response given is appropriate, identify every baby needs to continue to interact with them, anticipate their needs and then meet them. Be calm when he cries is one way that can make the baby comfortable. React right when the baby cries equally important. For a reaction to the baby is crying because of hunger, different when he cries because of illness or loneliness.

Also Knowing what they  likes or not, especially those made uncomfortable, upset and crying. As long as you provide the correct response, no need to worry about what will make the baby's parents spoiled.

7. Proper stimulation.
Stimulation is an attempt to encourage or maximize the development of the child. Stimulation should be done early, even as a child in the womb and then continued after born. The purpose of this stimulation to maximize baby growth and development.

In any range of development, there are several aspects that need to be stimulated. For a newborn, stimulation should be focused on developing the ability senses. For example, use the toy with the main color is hung approximately 30 cm to stimulate vision. 

Entering the age of 2-4 months, the baby is able to roll over and lifted his head. To stimulate, can make use of the toy reads, which is placed on the baby to want to roll over. Next, place the toy that hangs in front of him, so that the baby be stimulated to reach the toy. 6-8 months of age babies begin to be able to stand and crawl. To stimulate use barrier or playpen made of aluminum or wood with a certain distance, so as not to endanger and can be used to play or propagation. At the age of 9-12 months, babies begin to walk. Encourage baby to walk around the neighborhood around the closest in the morning or afternoon, while developing the skills to walk.

Perform communication and eye contact when stimulating the baby. Thus parents and babies can last more closely, as well as to know the response of the baby. Take advantage of the toy or various objects in the vicinity. When stimulation takes place, make sure the child is healthy, getting enough sleep, enough to eat. Better yet, if done while playing or doing everyday activities.

8. Proper nutrition.
Nutrition affects the Baby’s development. Proper nutrition not only make the child healthy and strong, but also make more intelligent. Even nutrients according to the needs and stages of infant development.

For newborns, primarily breast milk. Furthermore, after six months of age can eat solid foods. Give solids in accordance with the principle of adequate and balanced nutrition. Choose foods that are safe and avoid risky foods trigger allergies such as eggs, fish and others.

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